Good day, and welcome to which was formerly known as I value you and like to encourage you to be what God intended you to be. I am honored by your visit, now that you have decided to check what is in this blog. Thank you once again for your attention.
I believe that in every person’s day, there is a myriad of dreams and varied thoughts. We think and decide daily. If your decisions are positive, they trigger positive energy toward your destiny. If they are negative they demotivate you and shake the foundations which would otherwise hold your destiny.
Zig Ziglar said, ‘People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.’ It’s for sure if we don’t motivate ourselves to perform every day’s tasks, we will end up underperforming.
This site is all about encouraging you whether you are a student or a grown-up adult, to look from within, and get the encouragement to steer you to do what your maker made to accomplish. You are full of ideas and only you can do the tasks to bring them to fruition. Scroll through the pages, and articles with an open mind. I believe there is something for you.
About the Founder
Harun B. Mbijiwe is a Kenyan professional teacher, an author, a motivational speaker, a preacher, a family man, and a member of indie publishers with He is the founder of Brooks Publishers Kenya. He has authored several books which are listed on my publications page where you get spiritual self-help books and motivational self-help books. You can get the ebooks at while the paperback is available by order, but only if you are in Kenya. Call the number or email using the contacts on the widget at the bottom of this page for more information and ordering.