The information in this article might be sensitive and therefore I apologize in advance.
Many parents might have had loggerheads with their children concerning their career paths. Many might have resulted to bitterness, failure, and incomplete courses in colleges and universities. Some parents might have disowned their sons and daughters because they did not heed the advice they had given them.
Maybe its because some parents might have taken the role of choosing their children’s career instead of advising their children on the same.
Khan (not his real name) was from a wealthy family. He completed his grade 12 and soon would proceed to a certain university to pursue his dream career. His father was a very influential person in the society. He wanted his son to do law. At the back of his mind, the father wanted his son to do all legal matters concerning his multimillion-dollar business and property empire. But Khan on the other hand wanted to be an electrical engineer.
The father insisted that Khan would do law and nothing else. He gave him the reason as to why law was the best for his wonderful son. The son gave the father his reason for taking electrical engineering but the father became adamant and inflexible.
As days unfolded, their relationship was more estranged. One day the father called the son and told him to do the degree ‘for him’. After the son thought it for some time he agreed. They had an agreement that after completing the law degree, the son would do his electrical engineering. The deal was sealed.
The son did as agreed and immediately after completing the first degree and graduating with 2nd class honors, gave his dad the certificate and proceeded to do his second degree. He worked tirelessly to fulfill his dream and completed the course with 1st class honors.
The father wanted Khan to continue with law. The son literally told the father that he had given the father the degree of Law which he wanted. But for him(Khan); he wanted to pursue his dream career to the highest level. Luckily, he got a full paid scholarship to persue a Masters degree.
To cut the long story short, the guy finally studied the third degree to become a PhD holder. He got a well paying job in a certain company. He parted ways with the father. It was a happy ending for the son and a bitter ending for the father.
In conclusion, I have learnt a lesson; Parents should realise that the career in their minds is simply their dream. Their sons and daughters have a vision for their future. Let them become what God wanted them to be.
Take the role of advising and don’t push the careers you want into their throats. May be because of your social standing or any other reason. It will be a waste of time and money to make your child go the wrong terrain.
Check from early years to ascertain what they have and advise accordingly. If your child wants to be an artist, a photographer, a journalist, a nurse, a doctor or a lawyer, a teacher, a pastor , let him be. Just give guidelines, advice and give any support, that is your role.
And for those parents and children who have had a deadlock on which way to go, sit down and rethink on which options are best for your child. Forgive each other and do everything possible to bring your son or daughter on track. It’s not too late to go back to school you great child. Do it today.
Note this is informative and not judgmental. Please bear with me if you have gone through such as a parent. You can still make up with your child and make his or her life again.
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An informative piece.
Thank you Simon. Keep on reading other articles.